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Parental Controls: My biggest gripe : jellyfin
Main Post: Parental Controls: My biggest gripe : jellyfin
My biggest gripe with the game (faction and ending spoilers) : DrovaGame
Main Post: My biggest gripe with the game (faction and ending spoilers) : DrovaGame
Gripe water - what’s your opinion? (Vent post & opinions wanted)
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A lady recently posted in a Facebook mom group asking, “what do you keep in your diaper bag?”. I commented with the items in mine. One of those items being gripe water. I didn’t suggest it or anything in my post. I just passively mentioned it with everything else. It’s an item my son’s pediatrician approved of using. I got BANNED from commenting and posting ONLY because I stated it’s something I have in my bag. There is no group rule or anything about mentioning it, but they still banned me immediately 😂 SO ON THAT NOTE - what is your opinion on gripe water?? We all clearly already know where I stand on gripe water.
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Facebook mom groups are such a joke. I was in a BLW group and had a post denied because I referred to the dog as a “vacuum cleaner” and talking about or recommending cleaning and cleaning products/items is off limits...
Did gripe water or probiotics actually help your newborn?
Main Post: Did gripe water or probiotics actually help your newborn?
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Not gripe water but simethicone gas drops helped A LOT. The first 3 months, my boy lived off of that. Within 20 mins he’s burping and tooting and is so much more relieved.
Does gripe water actually work?
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Baby is sooooo gassy and uncomfortable! We do bicycle kicks, fold her like a pretzel, use the windi 💨, tummy rubs, back rubs...they all help only momentarily! I cut out dairy in hopes that helps but dr says it will take a few weeks to notice a difference from that.
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It doesn't do anything. None of that homeopathic stuff really does.
Feeling guilty giving gripe water… would love to hear from those who use it
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My guilt mainly comes from my baby being 7 weeks. We’ve had to give a little ever since 4 weeks. In total maybe 4 times now.
We run through an extensive list of other things to do first, but when its the 3rd missed nap and they’ve been awake for 7 hours straight, crying through much of it... as a family we can all only take so much.
I’ve always just given a half dose or less... I just feel bad that I can’t help my baby without intervention.
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If you had gas so intense it kept you awake you would take gas x and not feel bad about it. Why feel bad about giving medicine to your baby when they need it?
Gripe water
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Please can I have peoples opinions on gripe water? My 7 week old is constantly grunting non stop through the night as he struggles with his wind a lot. He burps so well during and after feeds but passing gas just seems so difficult for him and it’s disrupting his sleep. We’ve tried infacol but it’s made no difference so just wondered what people thought of gripe water please
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Gripe water is unregulated and basically just herbs. It's more of a remedy than an actual medication and it actually is one of those things that either work or doesn't. It never worked for my son. We use mylicon when he needs it and it works great for us.
Those using gripe water… how often and when are you using it?
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I have a 4 week old and we’ve already had to use it 3 times. I feel like a failure of a mother and so much guilt that I can’t help my baby who is in pain without help from medicine/supplements.
In the 3 instances I’ve used it, my baby had been crying inconsolably for 90+ minutes without a break. This is after trying every soothing method that I know (change diapers, swaying, rocking, burping, bicycle kicks, the windy, swaddling, feeding, etc)
I just don’t want this to become a crutch if I don’t have to... any advice here would be so welcome.
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Have you tried Simethicone (mylicon brand name). That seems to always help my son with gas.
I personally never used gripe water as I haven’t heard great things about it.
Is Gripe Water safe?
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Hi parents! I had my little girl 3.5 weeks ago and she started showing signs of colic last week. It’s possible it’s gas pains, and we’ve ruled out acid reflux. I’m cutting dairy out and we do aaaalllll the things to soothe her when she’s flipping out. It’s tough because she cries 80% of the time when she’s awake, so we’re constantly trying to soothe her to sleep. It’s been tough to bond and we’re accepting it might not be pain but just mild colic. We’re still trying to figure it out.
Anyway, I’ve spoken with our pediatrician and she recommended trying mylecon and gripe water. She didn’t promise it’d help but said it wouldn’t hurt. I was desperate for anything to make her calm. LO went 2.5 days without pooping this week and she was at her fussiest. She’s exclusively breastfed.
The mylecon and gripe water just came in and I’m now scared to try it! I don’t know how she’ll react, I’m worried she’ll have a bad reaction or something since she’s only ever had breast milk. I really try to not google or go down the Reddit rabbit hole with medical stuff, but I’m just nervous to try this out and was looking for some experience from those who have used these before.
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Our pediatrician said both are safe. She said gripe water is like solving something with chamomile and gas drops are like solving something with Tums (but for gas, obviously). My understanding is that some gripe waters are not made for newborns, but it should say on the packaging.
Something that really helped our baby with gas (SO MUCH GAS!) was a little vibrating toy on the tummy. Within 15 seconds, baby is usually farting up a storm! We bought a fuzzy fisher price hedgehog that vibrates and sings and the first time we used it, we had our first blowout. So much gas and so much poop! And afterwards, baby was a hilarious wet noodle. Most comfortable I think we’ve been in weeks. 😅
Honestly we’ve only been using it for a few days, but everyone is already sleeping better at night. We got a 5 hour stretch the first night we used it! (5 weeks old)
4 week old choked on Gripe Water
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Our pediatrician told us to use Gripe Water for gas. I used it today and now I regret it.
I gave her the gripe water via syringe very slowly but I guess she was letting it collect in her mouth and not swallowing! She inhaled all at once, turned red, then PALE, then burped, sputtered, and coughed.
Now, 15 minutes later, she's breathing and sleeping peacefully.
Does anyone else have this experience?? I'm so stressed and panicky.
The gripe water is going in the flippin’ trash.
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For the future, if/when you need to give more meds, try putting it into her cheek and not directly into her mouth. That would have freaked me out too though!!!!